
The Our Prime Minister from the Haralson Family of California..!

-By Anubhavananda

(Lanka-e-News -16.Oct.2024, 9.15 pm) It was a special day for the Haralson family living in Twain Harte, California. News of Harini Amarasuriya, the daughter of Patricia Haralson, being appointed Prime Minister of Sri Lanka was spreading worldwide. Harini was overjoyed, and as the Haralson family celebrated this news, the phone rang several times. The American media were eager to learn about the connection between Sri Lanka’s new Prime Minister and the Haralson family.

Harini’s Host Mother

Dr. Harini Amarasuriya, the new Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, has been connected with the Haralson family since 1988. This bond was formed through an American student exchange program. During that time, Patricia Haralson became Harini’s host mother, and Harini attended her senior year at Summerville High School. Wayne deGennaro, Harini’s English teacher and the coach of the Academic Decathlon team she was part of, told the American media that Harini had shown leadership qualities even back then.

Memories from Summerville High School Teachers

“She was genuinely compassionate. She treated others kindly and was considerate of them. Harini valued others’ opinions and was sincerely concerned about her classmates’ and teammates’ success,” deGennaro recalled. He also remembered her as a friendly person with a great sense of humor who was a good listener and had excellent English language skills.

A Brilliant Writer

During her senior year in California, Harini excelled academically. In 1988, she was included in the Summerville Honor Roll, and in 1989, she was named the best student in creative writing at her school. After graduating in 1989, she had the rare honor of addressing her class at the graduation ceremony, a privilege given to the most outstanding student. Dave Urquhart, her academic advisor and later the principal of Summerville High, described Harini as an exceptional addition to the student body. “She was cheerful, kind, and intelligent. We are proud that, without realizing it, we were preparing her for the role of Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister during her time with us.”

The Ideal Daughter of Patricia Haralson

Jenny, Patricia Haralson’s eldest daughter, shared that she and Harini were born in the same year and month, 1970. Jenny recalled how Harini quickly became a member of their family, being a quiet and studious person who soon turned into her mother’s ideal daughter. She also fondly remembered Harini’s love for reading Patricia’s mystery collection of Agatha Christie novels.

Return to California

After completing the year-long exchange program in 1989, Harini returned to Sri Lanka, but the connection with the Haralson family remained. Harini visited them after completing her PhD in Scotland before returning to Sri Lanka. In 2016, Jenny’s daughter Mae visited Sri Lanka and spent a month being hosted by Harini.

Harini is Part of Our Family

“Harini was a member of our family for a year, and she has stayed connected with us ever since. She visited us after completing her PhD before returning to Sri Lanka. My niece also stayed with Harini in Sri Lanka for a month. So, when we heard the news of her becoming Prime Minister, our family was overjoyed,” said Patricia Haralson.

Analyzing the Civil War in Sri Lanka

“During her time with us, Harini educated us a lot about Sri Lanka’s civil war. It was clear that she had a very intelligent understanding of the complexities of that war. It was impressive for someone who was only 18 years old to have such insight,” Patricia recalled. She added that young Americans are not usually as politically aware as Harini was, emphasizing that Harini stood out in that regard. “While I’m amazed by her journey from social activist to Prime Minister, it makes sense.”

India Takes Pride in Harini

After returning from California, Harini attended Delhi University in India on an Indian government scholarship. She completed her bachelor’s degree there and later obtained a master’s degree from Macquarie University in Australia and a PhD from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Indian media proudly reported her appointment as Prime Minister as another success story of a Delhi University graduate.

The People’s Hope

With such an international education and exposure to diverse societies, Harini could have easily stayed in any developed country. However, she chose to return to her homeland with the intention of using the knowledge she gained to benefit Sri Lanka. Many believe her open-minded experiences and knowledge will contribute to the country’s positive future. Even those who do not support the National People’s Power Party are hopeful about her leadership.

The Value of Compassion

What stands out from the accounts shared by the Haralson family and teachers about Harini? It is her human connections—her leadership qualities, sharp intellect, and empathy for others. She earned the love and respect of everyone due to these humane traits, transcending political differences.

Let’s Finish the People’s Revolution with Complete Victory!

In the upcoming general election on November 14, the most popular figure among the candidates is Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya. As the current Prime Minister, she will lead the National People’s Power Party in the election. The public must give the party full power in the general election. Such power is necessary to bring the people’s revolution, which began with the Galle Face protests, to a complete victory. At this moment, we must all commit to ensuring the full success of this people’s struggle, free from any political traps like forming a numerically strong opposition under the proportional voting system.


by     (2024-10-16 15:45:58)

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