
Prime Minister's Criticism of Supreme Court Sparks Controversy..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -27.July.2024, 7.40 pm)  In a provocative address to Parliament, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardhana openly criticised a recent Supreme Court judgement, sparking debates over the separation of powers and potential contempt of court.

The controversy arose when the Prime Minister challenged the validity of an interim order issued by the Supreme Court, which had temporarily suspended the Inspector General of Police (IGP) from his duties. This suspension will remain in effect until the Court reaches a final decision on multiple petitions alleging the IGP’s appointment was unconstitutional and marred by severe legal and human rights violations.

Critics argue that the Prime Minister’s public denouncement, especially during a live broadcast, could be construed as contempt of court, a serious offence that could result in imprisonment. Legal experts emphasize that no individual, including the Prime Minister, is above the law, and such statements undermine the judiciary's authority.

The Prime Minister's position, if accepted, would imply that the Speaker of the House possesses an infallibility that contradicts the foundational principles of the Constitution. The Speaker, like all other officials, derives power from the Constitution and must operate within its limits. To suggest otherwise would elevate the Speaker to a status akin to a creator and sole interpreter of the Constitution, an interpretation deemed both absurd and dangerous.

The incident has ignited a broader discussion about the balance of power between the legislative and judicial branches, emphasizing the necessity of respecting judicial independence to maintain democratic integrity.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-07-27 14:24:14)

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