- President dashes file on ground in panic
(Lanka-e-News - 06.May.2018, 10.00PM) Dr. Mahanama the chief of staff of president Gamarala, and Piyadasa Dissanayake the Timber Corporation chairman who were caught red handed when collecting a bribe of Rs. 20 million out of the full promised sum of Rs. 100 million (Rs. 540 million originally demanded but reduced to Rs. 100 million) from an Indian National based on an assurance given by the bribe takers that president will get the cabinet approval for the deal , and the families of these two crooks are most shockingly close family friends of president Gamarala.
The photograph herein is testimony how close Sashimal Dissanayake the son of the culprit P.Dissanayake , and Daham Sirisena (son of the president) and Thilina Suranjith the notorious wheeler dealer son in law of the president . Buddies of the same crooked feather flock together is indeed true !
Believe it or not, when President Gamarala went for the Commonwealth conference in London with an over bloated delegation of over 100 members, it was Sashimal who was caught taking bribes from them. Interestingly ,Sashimal and Daham Sirisena occupied the same room , based on reports reaching Lanka e news.
Based on the photograph herein , Thilina the wheeler dealer son in law of Gamarala had been roaming the streets of America, Japan , Korea , Germany and England . On most occasions he has been accompanied by Sashimal the other bribe taker ( the son of culprit Dissanayake now in prison) . In this backdrop it is obvious , Dissanayake and Mahanama the crooked duo who took bribes and now remanded , have ventured on this illicit deal along with the support of president ‘s family and to satisfy the needs of the president’s family.
It is learnt that the night before Mahanama and Dissanayake were nabbed , they had been at the Galle Face hotel with the complainant who is the Indian national , along with two Russians . It is there the final decision was taken to collect the bribe the following day. Mahanama and Dissanayake have finally wound up that night with two Russian whores in bed supplied by the Russians.
Already embattled president Gamarala on learning that his two closest henchmen have been netted by the Bribery and corruption Commission has panicked as never before.
As Dissanayake and Mahanama were being arrested Mahanama had taken a frantic call to the president , but the officers of the Bribery and Corruption Commission have disconnected his call and taken them into custody. It is more than a 100 million rupee worth question whether the fates of the two culprits would have been any the better had the communication with the president been allowed . Was it the usual escape route sought whenever the arms of the law closes upon these culprits in every such crime committed by them before ?
It is a PSD officer who was with the crooked duo who had informed his chief of the arrests . The chief has then intimated the crime committed by the pampered crooked duo to the president. The latter who noticed there had been a ‘missed’ call of Mahanama had tried to contact that number, but since the phone had been disconnected , the president had got panicky and dashed the file that was in his hand on the ground and screamed , “ I am finished, I am finished’ while scolding everyone who was around.
Meanwhile in place of Dissanayake , the president has appointed another corrupt scoundrel as though President has never known what is integrity, honesty or who are ‘clean’ individuals. The new State Timber Corporation chairman is Anurudha Polgampola . He is best noted for his criminal activities and sordid pole vaulting habits. He is the rascal who was earlier with another notorious fraudster Werawansa and later somersaulted to Miathripala ‘s camp saying he wanted to strengthen the latter .
His putrid history reveals that while he was with the so called JVP , he smuggled some individuals to Japan , and for this crime he was jailed there. The JVP chased him out in 2008. Thereafter he joined with Weerawansa . During the corrupt nefarious decade , after securing contracts from Basil Rajapakse , earned on rackets while giving sub contracts. In those sub contracting transactions too because he issued checks that were dishonored , he was in remand prison. Even as recent as 2017 , because he defrauded two businessmen in a sum of Rs. 7.5 million , he was taken into custody by the anti corruption unit of Mirihana police .
Subsequently , he pole vaulted from the Flower Bud at the last elections to president Gamarala’s camp ostensibly to strengthen Gamarala but in truth to rescue himself from the punishment for his crimes. It is to such a notorious racketeer , fraudster and crook , president Gamarala has entrusted the State Timer corporation .
By now it has been confirmed beyond any iota of doubt with more than necessary evidence that President Gamarala is a crook and he is clustered around by crooks and the corrupt. One crook seeking another is natural like birds of a feather flock together. No wonder he is in a thicket of difficulties when trying to appoint a suitable honest competent individual to a post, and appoints crooks with consummate ease.
It is significant to note , this is not the first time president Gamarala was tainted with bribery involvements using his henchmen to collect bribes.
When he was the minister of Irrigation , after it came to light he had taken a bribe from an Australian Co., the Australian government conducted an exhaustive investigation . The Australian government finally concluded that the Australian Co .had indeed given a bribe to the SL president. The Australian government under its laws black listed the Australian Co. though in Sri Lanka Gamarala enjoyed impunity and escaped punishment. Therefore this latest bribe taking disgraceful episode using his henchmen is his second .
In the photograph herein are the families of Piyadasa Dissanayake and of the president posing together testifying to the close ties between the families . Sashimal Dissanayake the son of culprit Dissanayake, Jayanthi the wife of the president, Daham the son of the president and Thilina the son in law of the president .
Translated by Jeff
by (2018-05-06 16:48:47)
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