Special expose`: ‘Assault’ launched on Lanka e news by hackers !
(Lanka-e-News - 06.Feb.2018, 11.30PM) Since 3rd afternoon until the 5 th , Lanka e news website was continuously obstructed by hackers .They had created an artificial ‘traffic’ to achieve their dastardly and anti national goal. Owing to this the news website was from time to time crashing .
Following this mishap , our face book had to be updated , and we therefore request our legion of viewers to access our face book to read the latest news. In the event of the website crashing for any reason , we request our avid and valued readers to browse https://www.facebook.com/lankaenews
Please accept our profound apologies for the inconvenience caused due to circumstances beyond our control. We kindly request our legion of viewers to bear with us until it is restored to its former state.
Meanwhile , a spurious news website under the name ‘Lanka e news’ - a bogus ‘look alike’ is in the process of being created by the henchmen of the president to mislead the viewers , based on reports. In addition these frauds have also submitted an application asking for 25 media identity cards from the State Information department in connection with their fake website . However the State Information department has rejected this application on the grounds that it is not satisfied with the validity and veracity of the request , reports reveal.
May we recall it is now four months since the viewers of Lanka e news were obstructed from accessing the news website via an illegal ban imposed on it .
We deeply regret the inconvenience caused in this connection.
It is noteworthy , it is now 4 months since the illegal ban within Sri Lanka(SL) was imposed thereby creating obstacles to our valued and avid viewers .
Lanka e news website was launched on 2005-02-04 (the independence commemoration day ) .It is matter for deep regret that our valued viewers had to face a new threat as we had just completed 13 years of yeoman service to our avid fans and marching triumphantly surmounting all the Himalayan obstacles, on the independence celebration day 2018 ,and as we were entering upon the 14 th year, espousing the cause of truth and media freedom while exposing the crooks fearlessly , frankly and forthrightly.
During the past several days, a monumental hacker ‘attack’ had been launched on the Lanka e news website.
Let us first convey our profound apologies to our most valued viewers who are steadfastly with us despite the threats posed and inconvenience caused.
Thankfully , a number of international security services –ISGIS (International Support Group of Internet Security ) have come to our aid to overcome this challenge. We are indeed grateful to all those patriotic Sri Lankans abroad who coordinated this operation against traitors trying to suppress their corruption and crimes.
On behalf of our anxious and avid viewers we express our heartfelt gratitude to them .
The search conducted by the support service group in this connection has revealed it is the Sri Lanka (SL) government which is directly responsible for this hacker ‘assault’ launched on Lanka e news though usually such crude and cruel attacks are not launched by a Democratic government. It is only terrorist groups , international money launderers, heroin and weapon dealers , and mercenaries who engage in such activities. Hence , the ISGIS has expressed its rude shock over the so called democratic SL government’s move which is resorting to this illegal and undemocratic action by hacking Lanka e news website .
Based on their investigation , these efforts had been in existence for some time. These hackers have sought to intrude into the computer systems of the main State and private banks. Investigations are being continued without interruption to probe into how far their efforts have been successful. The investigating experts point out, if these hackers had clandestinely garnered information of account holders and their accounts that could be most serious , and portend grave danger to the entire country
This situation is fraught with gravest danger because , if such information come to light , the faith and confidence reposed in the SL – international financial relationships could be undermined , resulting in SL being named as a country most risky and undependable . Already a most famous Bitcoin Payment System has temporarily halted its transactions with SL.
It is being suspected whether the most notorious international hacker , a Russian national was smuggled to Russia with the special patronage of SL’s State leader ignoring international requests and warnings, was in order to seek his assistance to hack the websites.
It is by now a universally acknowledged fact , the myopic SL State leader is conducting himself like an imbecile , while having a number of government and private media under his thumb and using as a shield to give answers to the information divulged by Lanka e news. Owing to this vindictive aim and traitorous agenda , may we warn the country, the nation and the economy are headed for an irretrievable disaster of alarming proportion.
by (2018-02-06 18:31:32)
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