
When hoppers made by Jayanthi at home are available, why Maithri wants only Jacqueline's cuisine hoppers ? Maithri- Maharaja racket : Russian agent arrives by his private jet !

(Lanka-e-News - 07.Dec.2017, 10.00PM) While America has gifted a ship , India another and  Japan two more  ships (Offshore patrol vessels –OPV) free - that is four ships in all free for Sri Lanka ‘s coastal belt security operations after the good governance government was installed in power ,  yet Maithri- Maharaja team which is addicted to their old incurable sordid habits is working on a common objective to earn colossal illicit commissions : They  have made all preparations to purchase a Russian ship purportedly for coastal belt security operations at an exorbitant price of Rs. 24 billion or more  on a loan in spite of SL Navy rightly putting its foot down and objecting to this deal ! 

According to Sunday Times weekend newspaper report , discussions on this  sly transaction has been finalized  , and  Alexander Alexandrovich Mikhiv ,chief of ‘Rosoborono Export’ , a Russian  agency dealing in arms , is due to arrive in Sri Lanka with his security contingent in his own private jet to fix this sordid deal. 

On the 26 th of September , Lanka e news exposed this racket under the caption ‘Gota’s MiG racket eclipsed by multi million dollar deal of Maharaja and son in law of president !’ Just as Lanka e news revealed in its first report , this Russian agent is trying to dump  the war tanks , jet planes, Helicopters , boats, bullets and a whole lot of weapons in SL in addition to the Gepard 5.1 warship, Sunday Times report disclosed. 

After Lanka e news made the first  expose` that Maharaja the mahajara (dirt and dross) the notorious wheeler dealer had secured the SL agency ( as Rosoborono export local counterpart), and that Maithri- Maharaja traitorous  duo under the pretext of a warship deal is seeking to buy junk and dump in SL , this duo is now saying , that is a new ship and not old. 

The crucial question is , while SL has received  4 Offshore patrol vessels free for the offshore security operations , why on earth another vessel is going to be purchased on a loan which binds the nation to another ten years repayment burden while it is already drowning in the ocean of  debt burdens?  

This is obviously   because the primary aim of Maithri-Maharaja team is collection of  the colossal commissions which are part and parcel of this sordid deal at the expense of national interests. Any one with a patriotic fervor should understand  the traitorous behavior of Maithri -Maharaja team. 

When Jayanthi’s hoppers are there why this itch at the wrong place for Jacqueline’s hoppers ? 

The most  despicable and disgraceful part of this sordid Maithri- Maharaja deal detrimental to national interests  stripped nude …. 

Of the four  ships (OPV -Offshore Patrol Vessels) that were gifted , the two ships donated by Japan were made in SL. This came to light when former Navy Commander Admiral Dr. Jayantha Colombage made a statement to the media last  April .

He  said , the two vessels wre  being manufactured  out of the funds amounting to about Rs. 2.5 billion provided by Japan. Each vessel is 85 meters long and is being made according to the latest European plan by Colombo Dockyard private Co. ,  SL which has a 40 years experience in this field,  Colombage revealed.   

This was built under the supervision  of JAICA Int. an International Cooperation Agency of Japan. 

The former Navy Commander also stated Colombo Dockyard Co. has manufactured  several high speed attack crafts for SL Navy and Maldives , and after the manufacture of the two OPV vessels , the Colombo  Dockyard Co. can manufacture offshore Patrol vessels for the Navy of other foreign countries too.

Even a SL  Naval Engineer who is  now  working in a British Naval Co. expressed a similar view. It is specially noteworthy he is an engineer who works in the SL Navy and the Colombo Dockyard Co.  His considered opinion  was , if necessary , after importing the necessary steel raw materials alone from Russia , a more  advanced offshore patrol vessel could be manufactured  in SL itself , as SL has the ability .  

In the backdrop of the clear and categorical statements made by  former Navy Commander and the afore-stated engineer , the only question that can be posed to Maithri- Maharaja jara (filthy)  team that  is lured by filthy lucre is : when SL can manufacture this OPV ship  , why are you making such a stampede to buy the Russian Gepard 5.1 ship at such a prohibitive price ?  Is this move a patriotic or self seeking traitorous move? 

If Japan which is far   ahead of Russia in technology can build its Offshore patrol vessels in SL , what is prompting Maithri- Maharaja to buy a Russian ship at such high cost ?  If we are to express this in the language Maithripala Sirisena knows , let us rephrase this question  - what is this incurable itch to eat only the more expensive hopper of Jacqueline when Jayanthi’s   hoppers made at home of Sirisena are available ? Is it because Jacqueline’s oven needs no lubrication?  

Maithri’s entire gaze is on unlimited illicit commission …

Maithri  came saying ‘a country must have unlimited  value,’ but now going by his deeds as opposed to his words , it is crystal clear  ‘ Maithri wants   unlimited commission’ 

Former defense secretary Karunasena Hettiarachi who is now the SL ambassador to Germany recently disclosed to   a people’s representative in parliament the cause of his losing his defense secretary post  . He  revealed Shevan Daniel who is working for wheeler dealer Maharaja met him in Russia  pertaining to the Russian war tank purchase , and requested to push through this deal without calling for tenders.

Unbelievably , it is President Sirisena’s son in law Thilina Sampath who had dispatched Shevan Daniel to meet Hettiarachi , the latter divulged.  The outcome of Daniel being chased out by Hettarachi was , the latter losing his post of defense secretary  , Hettiarachi has stated in his confession. 

It is a pity the UNP which is still clinging  on to the consensual government , by remaining blind , deaf and dumb to the outrageous scams  of Maithri- Maharaja racketing team of traitors   , is also going to pay for the treasons , sins and crimes of these scoundrels and rascals. 

By Chandra Pradeep

Connected report. 

* President’s gaze on illicit commission blinded him : Faces retributive justice after ousting Sinniah !
* Gota’s MiG racket eclipsed by multi million dollar deal of Maharaja and son in law of president !
* President’s babyish pretences petering out ! Navy Commander Sinniah ‘s service terminated in a month !-3 Admirals opposed the war ship deal, yet unheeded!
* Astrologers predict President will descend into ‘dog mark’ category in 4 months! - Therefore seeks to push through sordid warship deal before that !
* Cabinet ratifies millions of Rs sordid warship deal that will line the pockets of Kili Maharaja and president’s s-i-l !

by     (2017-12-07 16:56:25)

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  1 discussion on this news

As to the suitability of this type of out-dated vessel, it was reported that the ex-Commander Travis Sinniah inspected its pro-type in South East seas before he made a negative Report. Surely this is a matter for the CIABOC. The loan was to be utilised, but private businessmen entering the scene overlook Policy decisions of the Navy is a matter to be contested, even in Courts?
-- by punchinilame on 2017-12-08

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