
Even an engineering ‘Baas’ as foreign Envoy’; stop this diplomatic appointment ‘dansala’ -Country is not Sirisena’s plaything !


(Lanka-e-News - 11.Oct.2017, 11.45PM)  There are three vocations in Sri Lanka (SL) ,  namely politics , media and foreign  diplomatic service which do not need people  with educational attainments. In  contradistinction  in other countries vacancies in these vocations are filled by specially skilled and adequately educated competent individuals .

In Singapore if one is to become a minister one must not only have a degree but also a post degree qualification .In England ,  even to secure a part time job   as a video photographer  in a Restaurant he /she must  have a degree in  camera reporting . In India too our closest neighbor, there are no politicized foreign diplomatic appointments  at all. 

Unfortunately, it is only  in SL , any rascal , pariah or son of a b… ch can become a politician , media personnel or foreign envoy.

Let us for the moment elaborate  on our foreign Envoy appointments – a sphere most vital to the country …..

In SL the eligibility requirement  to become a foreign Envoy is his/her closeness of connections and his / her influence  with the highest in the hierarchy of the country . Sadly , owing to this state of affairs , notorious  rapists, rogues and even  jailbirds secure foreign diplomatic posts without any hindrance.
Though the masses  on the 8 th of January  2015 following the rainbow revolution earnestly expected a revolutionary change for the better ,  Maithripala Sirisena breaking his solemn promises ,   immediately after  becoming the president  grabbed the post of president of the SLFP kicking     those promises he gave to the people out the window that he would be non partisan  and act sans party affiliations.  Since that day  Polonnaruwe Sirisena when appointing misfits as  foreign envoys made a perfect display of his imperfect inferiority complex.

The corrupt Medamulana morons  made the inclusion of  pensioned senile  officers of the forces into the list of diplomatic  envoys a fad , while  Sirisena who tried to make an exhibition he is  a ‘King in the making’ continued that obnoxious practice with even  greater vigor and vitality .

It is a Universal practice of the advanced countries of the world to appoint officers of the forces to diplomatic missions only to the lowest  rungs. It is a pity  in our country it is different .Now,  former Commanders of the forces are being appointed without an efficiency scrutiny  .On that basis , His Excellency   has appointed a ‘baas’ – a former army commander Chrishantha De Silva as High Commissioner to Bangla Desh, and much worse ! under the good governance government the number of foreign envoys appointed has shot up by 70 % . This is far in excess of the number even during the nefarious corrupt Rajapakse decade.

Why Foreign Envoys cannot become commanders of the forces and vice versa?

The individual who  can play the key role  to avert a war or halt it  is the state diplomatic officer. That is why he  should be knowledgeable and  given a rigorous training in his profession . On the contrary , an officer of the forces is trained in something diametrically different  in his profession. He is well versed in winning the war without losing , and not in halting the war .That is ,he is skilled in waging war. 

Though both these tasks are vital to carry on a government , they are distinctly different. That is why we say , in the same way as a foreign diplomatic officer has no knowledge to be a commander of the forces , a commander  of the forces has no knowledge to be a foreign  diplomatic officer. 

Like how an officer of the forces from the level of second lieutenant gradually rises to the post of commander of the forces , diplomatic officers too reach the post of foreign envoy gradually through promotions after serving for about 20 years. 

The former commanders like  Chrishantha De Silva initially joined as Cadet officers to become second lieutenants with GCE ord. level or with GCE adv. Level passing two subjects . Whereas to join the diplomatic service the candidate should have a degree as well as a post degree qualification. These qualifications are imperative when interacting  with the world . 

We do not know whether morons were commanders of the forces , but certainly we know such morons have been defense secretaries . In any event  morons cannot perform the duties of a foreign envoy , no , not for all the world ! There are tangible proof testifying to that !

In the circumstances , what is the benefit or the prestige  the country going to derive by giving  Chrishantha De Silva an engineering  ‘baas’ a foreign  diplomatic appointment - bad enough appointing him as army commander (earlier) , who has only the GCE advanced level qualifications , has not even been a student ‘soldier ‘ during his school days , never carried weapons and been  in the battle field , and was just attached to the engineering division ?

Bangla Desh is an economically developing Muslim country. Hence by sending pensioned incompetent Chrishantha De Silva to such a country without taking into consideration what he is (in)capable of , the SL diplomatic mission in Bangla Desh is only sooner than later going to become a home for the aged.  One thing is sure  SL  is not going to reap any benefits there-from.

Moreover , when there are officers in the foreign ministry who are seniors and well  experienced in the highest rungs for over 3  years and languishing in Colombo , what is the justice meted out to them  if commanders who did not know even  about weapons are being appointed as foreign envoys ? What is the logic or  ethics  behind this ?
Miathripala Sirisena who came to power giving a solemn assurance that he would abolish the most abhorred  Executive presidency within 100 days should not think the country is a just a plaything and that he  was appointed  only to fool around .  This diplomatic appointment dansala shall be stopped once and for all  ! 

By Diplomutt

by     (2017-10-11 19:30:31)

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