(Lanka-e-News -13.June.2016, 11.45PM) The judgment delivered on the 2 nd by Gangodawila magistrate Kanishka Wijeratne that the elephant calf ‘Sakura’ captured from the jungle after killing its mother , and was held captive by Thilina Gamage , a bosom pal of Kanishka without a valid license and on a bogus document, was not part of public property, and therefore granted bail , was today suspended until the 21 st of this month by Colombo High court judge Manilal Waidyatileke .
Thilina Gamage who acted in violation of the law by going into hiding when he was ordered by the court to visit the CID and record a statement , however secretly visited the Gangodawila magistrate court on the 2 nd , whereupon his bosm pal the magistrate Kanishka Wijeratne granted him bail – cash bail Of Rs. 500,000.00 and four surety bails of Rs. 2.5 million each .
This morning after a revised application filed by the AG in the high court to cancel the bail , was examined by high court judge Waidyatileke issued the aforementioned order suspending the bail granted to Thilina Gamage while also ordering the case file in the magistrate court be forwarded to the High court. He also issued notice on Thilina Gamage to be present in court on the 21 st of this month.
Meanwhile the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) that sent Thilina on compulsory leave also changed its decision to interdict him with effect from last Thursday, according to reports.
The Sri Lanka Bar Association (BASL ), the Civil organizations and chief Justice have requested the JSC to conduct an investigation against the unscrupulous judge Kanishka Wijeratne who despite being a judge outrageously made a mockery of justice and acted in a manner that was derogatory of courts , legal Institutions and norms , in addition to committing contempt on the law abiding citizens.
by (2016-06-13 20:28:31)
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All looking good as it is seen on the substance of the order of the High Court that the blunt order of the Gangodavila Magistrate granting bail to a suspect wanted for an offense of public property is stayed by the High Court of Colombo. Yet, everyone has forgotten the status of lay man Thilina Gamage the moment High Court passed the ruling that he again is able to freely walk as the High Court issued notice to appear on 21st June before the High Court.
“ This morning after a revised application filed by the AG in the high court to cancel the bail, was examined by high court judge Waidyatileke issued the aforementioned order suspending the bail granted to Thilina Gamage while also ordering the case file in the magistrate court be forwarded to the High court. He also issued notice on Thilina Gamage to be present in court on the 21 st of this month.”
According to the above order it should be noted that there is no valid or invalid bail order on Thilina Gamage by any court of law in the land. Then the status goes back to the period where he was absconding. Now the CID cannot arrest him because of the notice issued by the High Court. What should have done was that the High Court along with the suspension of the Magistrate’s bail order, a bench warrant of arrest should have then & there been issued. But now what is the status of Thilina Gamage until 21st? The witness is in remand. Mockery of mockeries .
-- by Public Eye on 2016-06-13
Necessity has no law!
-- by Gratiaen Hewa on 2016-06-14